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Tema: Tarantino and Rodriguez's Grind House

  1. #126 Avatar de ViTo
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 may, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Jugosa entrevista a los 2 directores de LA gran película que nos espera :cigarrito :8)
    esto marcha amigos... esto marcha... Junto con Sin City 2, puede que sea una de las películas que muchos de nosotros más deseamos ver en el 2007

  2. #127
    Katana Man Avatar de GeckoBrother
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    28 may, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"


    Another Grind House script review
    Monday, 03 July 2006

    Another script review of Grind House has surfaced on the internet. This time, an Italian-language message board features a quite detailed review of it (click here if you can undestand Italian) One of our forum members was so glad as to summarize the main points of the review: Some interesting points:

    1. The structure of the actual car is described as being quite out of the ordinary and is gonna take some people by surprise.

    2. The Death Proof script is 130 pages long.

    3. There are two big action scenes in the film, one in the middle and the other one near the end. Both are described as being sequences of "pure adrenaline".

    4. There are many pages filled with the usual Tarantinesque dialogue, very similar to the opening scene in Reservoir Dogs.

    5. The script makes direct reference to at least two movies, being The Vanishing and Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry. There are various others non-written but still notable influences, particularly to the movies Duel, The Car and Crash.

    6. During some point in the movie, a cellphone rings with the tone of Twisted Nerve.

    7. The script is dedicated to Charles B. Griffith.

    8. Face close-ups in the script are referred to as "Sergio Leone CU" (CU= close-ups)

    9. The script also makes reference to Stevie Ray Vaughan (albeit not in the dialogue).

    " I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard. "

  3. #128 Avatar de ViTo
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 may, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    4. There are many pages filled with the usual Tarantinesque dialogue, very similar to the opening scene in Reservoir Dogs.

    ¡¡¡¡sí señor!!! queremos los diálogos Tarantinianos de nuevo!!!!!

  4. #129
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 jul, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    very similar to the opening scene in Reservoir Dogs. Buff...queremos ver algo similar a lo de las propinas y el amigo Buscemi!!! sería tremendo!!

  5. #130
    gurú Avatar de shaun
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    Cuando coño piensan estrenar esta película????????????????

    Un saludo.

  6. #131
    Katana Man Avatar de GeckoBrother
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Para Abril del año que viene, fue lo último que se dijo.

    Aunque parece que ya se superaron los problemas de financiación del episodio de Robert, yo creo que la estrenarán un poco antes, igual en Navidad.

    " I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard. "

  7. #132
    Katana Man Avatar de GeckoBrother
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Solo subo el post para deciros una mala noticia al menos para mí. Al parecer según los foros de Grind House, para el papel de Stuntman Mike (el protagonista del episodio de Tarantino y que en principio Mickey Rourke estaba confirmado) están buscando a otro tío

    No se si el accidente de Mickey con su dedo ha tenido algo que ver.

    " I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard. "

  8. #133
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 jul, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    ¿Ha tenido un accidente? No lo sabía... pero de todas formas, ¿no se empieza a rodar hasta finales-inicio próximo año? tanto es lo del delo??? :! :?

  9. #134
    gurú Avatar de shaun
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    Me da un mal rollo todo lo que está rodeando a esta película que no veas.


    Un saludo.

  10. #135
    Senior Member Avatar de woody allen
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Accidente se le llama a lo que le ha pasado?? o que el tío está grillado directamente

  11. #136
    Katana Man Avatar de GeckoBrother
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Bueno, llamemoslo "accidente".

    Aunque para rajar de Mickey Rourke ya teneis el otro post.

    " I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard. "

  12. #137
    maestro Avatar de bandini
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    22 feb, 04
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    Predeterminado : Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Me he tomado la molestia de buscar la noticia para quien la desconozca. Sin desperdicio.

    Mickey Rourke estaba enojado ¡y se automutiló!


    Los enojos de Mickey Rourke realmente son peligrosos, y sobre todo, insólitos: en un ataque de ira, el actor se cortó ¡el dedo meñique!

    "Me he cortado el dedo meñique porque ya no le quería tener", aseguró el actor de 'Nueve semanas y media', según informa el portal

    Rourke ya ha protagonizado, además de muchas y exitosas películas, unos cuantos episodios escandalosos por sus conocidos 'excesos'. Hace ya 9 años que el actor estadounidense hace terapia, pero parece que no está sirviendo de mucho y su carácter sigue siendo, como poco, colérico.

    "Estaba muy enfadado, ya no me acuerdo por qué motivo, y entonces decidí que ya no necesitaba el último trozo del dedo pequeño de mi mano izquierda", agregó el Rourke.

    "No lo corté del todo, lo dejé colgando de un tendón", develó y agregó: "mi amigo inglés Gary me cogió la mano con cuidado mientras me llevó al hospital".

    Un cirujano y su equipo tardó ocho horas en volver a coser el dedo de Rourke, aunque todavía no logra moverlo con normalidad.

    Fuente: Urgente 24.


  13. #138
    gurú Avatar de shaun
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Con permiso de Freako.

    Un saludo.

  14. #139
    gurú Avatar de Ezekiel 2517
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    25 abr, 04
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Dios el ultimo poster Eso va a salir en la peli? :!

  15. #140
    gurú Avatar de shaun
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Cita Iniciado por Ezekiel 2517
    Dios el ultimo poster Eso va a salir en la peli? :!
    Esperemos que si! :amor :amor :amor :amor

    Un saludo.

  16. #141
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 jul, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    ¡Vaya tela el último! :!

    6 de Abril de parece tardísimo. ¿Qué coño están haciendo ahora mismo para que no se estrene hasta el año que viene? :?

  17. #142
    Senior Member Avatar de Rafalet
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Tiene un look demasiado Sin City, como si quisiera emular o vender algo parecido. No me gusta.

  18. #143
    Katana Man Avatar de GeckoBrother
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    28 may, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    :amor :amor

    Quizá sí los pósters recuerden a Sin City, pero para nada creo que "copien" su look en las películas. O eso espero, al menos.

    " I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard. "

  19. #144
    maestro Avatar de bandini
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 feb, 04
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    Predeterminado : Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Me jodería muchísimo que me faltase Mickey en esta peli.


  20. #145
    gurú Avatar de shaun
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    Predeterminado Re: : Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Cita Iniciado por bandini
    Me jodería muchísimo que me faltase Mickey en esta peli.

    A mi también, pero las últimas noticias no son demasiado buenas en este sentido.

    El 6 de Abril es el día.

    Un saludo.

  21. #146
    Katana Man Avatar de GeckoBrother
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    28 may, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Entrevista a Rosario Dawson en :amor

    When do you start shooting Sin City 2?

    I don’t know. I’m doing Deathproof in August and September. I know that Angelina (Jolie) just finished having her baby, so she’ll probably…

    So she definitely is in it?

    I’m pretty sure. I think that’s basically what we’ve been holding out on, because we were supposed to start that maybe last year. I think he wanted to do that sooner rather than later, so it’ll be coming up soon but I haven’t heard anything.

    Your scenes with Quentin haven’t been done yet?

    No. I haven’t shot anything. We start rehearsal in August; we start shooting in September. That’s the double part of the double feature. Robert Rodriguez already finished his part. It’s called Grindhouse. It’s a zombie film. Quentin’s film is called Deathproof and they’re both 60 minutes. They’re gonna release them together. It’s an old school seventies kind of thing. It’s gonna have scratchy-looking and weird smash cuts and fake trailers in between and just really awesome stuff. That’s more of like a gearhead movie.

    Tendremos a Rosario en Grind House :amor

    Pues eso, parece que se confirma que Quentin rueda entre Agosto y Septiembre y que Robert ya ha acabado su parte... aunque no se si fiarme mucho de lo que dice por eso de que "Robert Rodriguez already finished his part. It’s called Grindhouse."

    " I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard. "

  22. #147
    gurú Avatar de shaun
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    Mi Diosa Rosario Dawson. Peeeeeeeeeerfecto.

    Otro punto más a su favor!

    Un saludo.

  23. #148
    Katana Man Avatar de GeckoBrother
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    28 may, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Rodriguez and Tarantino Present Grindhouse!
    Source: Blake Wright July 22, 2006

    Directors Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino world premiered footage from their new exploitation double feature Grindhouse at the San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday. The clip shown was cobbled together from the first of the two features – the Rodriguez-directed "Planet Terror" – a zombie flick.

    The footage shown – with an intentional grainy, camp-like effect – kicked off with a sheriff's deputy busting into his cop shot ranted about just having his finger bitten off by a suspect he arrest. The other deputies and sheriff in the office all grab guns and proceed out to the cruiser. The cops stalk the cruiser but the detainee has escaped through a shattered rear window. The deputy asks if they see his finger. They don't... but they do find his ring.

    From here the clip cuts to trailer-type piece for an anti-hero named Machete! – a tough looking biker type that wears a trench coat lined with very long knives and swords.

    Then bam! – another segway, but this one goes into full on zombie action. It is unclear where the zombies are coming from, but a hospital seemed to play a central role. Freddy Rodriguez and Rose McGowan are there. Rose's character, Cherry, had an unfortunate scrape and has lost her right leg above the knee. When Rodriguez tries to get her to flee the now undead infested hospital, she exclaims "I don't have a leg!" This moves Rodriguez to walk over to a nearby table, break off one of its legs and jam it on the end of McGowan's bandaged stump. "You do now!" he says.

    More zombie action follows as the two escape the hospital. In a later scene, Rodriguez offers McGowan a gift – a heavy-duty machine gun that clips onto her stump. Now with a machine gun as a leg, McGowan mows down several zombies with one, effective round-kick spray!

    Tarantino, whose "Death Proof" (a slasher movie and the second of the Grindhouse features) starts shooting in about four weeks, told attendees at the Con that he always wanted to make a exploitation film that lived up to the cool poster artwork that accompanied most of the vintage exploitation movies.

    "We're going to make two, sleazy grindhouse movies that will deliver on the posters… and beyond!" said Tarantino. "This isn't some Twilight Zone the Movie f*cking thing. This is not a faux double feature. This is two f*cking movies for the price of one! You're $10 will be well spent at the Grindhouse, baby!"

    Rodriguez said the "Planet Terror" shoots were solely at night and that he is talking with John Carpenter about providing music for the feature.

    Tarantino also added that he would like to make two anime "Kill Bill" prequels. The first would be an origin film about Bill and his mentors, while the second would be another tale including The Bride

    " I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard. "

  24. #149
    gurú Avatar de shaun
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    15 may, 05
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    Amigo Gecko, más o menos que viene a decir?

    Un saludo

  25. #150
    maestro Avatar de bandini
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 feb, 04
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    Predeterminado : Tarantino and Rodriguez´s "Grind House"

    Russell & QT!


    Howdy all! More dispatches from the San Diego Comic-Con on the way but I wanted to drop in real quick to tell you about some pretty exciting news. Quentin Tarantino was a surprise guest at the just-finished GRIND HOUSE panel and revealed that he just signed a deal last night for Kurt Russell to star in his portion of the film - "Death Proof" - as the slasher Stuntman Mike. Tarantino said of the Mike character that it's probably one of the best characters he's ever written to which Robert Rodriguez heartily agreed. Russell wasn't able to be in attendance but Tarantino and Rodriguez were joined by stars of each of their movies like Rosario Dawson, Marley Shelton, Mary Elisabeth Winstead and Rose McGowan. The footage they showed kicked some royal ass and as Tarantino put it, "that's only the first two weeks!" He also clarified the reports that each of their films would only be an hour long saying, "Do you really expect me to do a slasher film that's only an hour long?!" Each will likely run close to 90 minutes with the assorted trailers and goodies (like "Cowgirls in Sweden" and "Machete" with Danny Trejo) in between. Stay tuned to for more breaking news from the Con!


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