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Tema: Proyector | Sony VPL-HS50

  1. #51
    Universal Export Avatar de difett
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 dic, 02
    1640 veces

    Predeterminado Re: SH 50

    Bueno, como lolailo no ha comentado nada, aqui va las impresiones de alguien q lo ha visto en CEDIA, por si interesa.



    I attended CEDIA on yesterday and can offer a few impressions of the new HS51. About 2 weeks ago, I saw the HS20 at a HT store here in town and I also spent quite a bit of time with the AE700 at their hotel showroom yesterday. I do not own a projector. So, my thoughts represent one with limited experience. So, take them as you may. One other word is that I am extremely sensitive to rainbows, so I am none too fond of DLP.

    I entered Sony's HS51 display room with some initial disappointment. The room was tiny and triangular. The point of the demo was to stress how flexible the machine was for installations. They had the machine waaay off center of the screen and were using lens shft liberally to get the image on screen properly. Of course, lense shift is becoming common place and it worked well.

    Looking up at the unit, the only light I saw coming from it emitted from the lens or the lighted Sony sign on the top side of the projector. Not bad. They claim 24dB. And to be truthful, I could not hear any noise coming from the projector. However, I am only 5'5" and on the CEDIA showroom floor. So, I was not very close to the thing and there was a lot of ambient noise.

    The image on screen was very bright. The blacks seemed deep to me even during bright scenes. I was immediately impressed by the image and drawn into it. They said they were showing 1080i scaled to 720p by the projector. It looked very clean and crisp.

    In comparison to my memory of the HS20, this projector was quite an improvement. The blacks were much better, IMO. The image seemed brighter at the same time. However, we're comparing 2 projectors in 2 different environments here. So, it's probably of little value. But my opinion is that it would be worth upgrading if you really want better blacks. Beyond that, an HS20 owner should still be happy with their purchase.

    I spent about 30-45 minutes with the AE700 as well. They had it set up at the show but it was on the showroom floor and there was not much to really be determined by viewing it in this manner. So, I made my way over to the Crown plaza and viewed it in their hotel room setup.

    The first thing I noticed was that the AE700 by far has the most film like presentation. That smoothscreen technology seemed to remove any trace of pixel structure. The image had a slightly soft look in my opinion, but some may prefer this look. I am not sure which I prefer. I loved how smooth the screen looked but I also liked the sharpness of the HS51. So each to his own. They were showing Vertical Limit on the AE700 from a 480p DVD source. They also had some 1080i coming off a HD of some kid dancing in some black shoes. I have no idea what that movie was.

    I noticed 2 things. During bright scenes, the projector looked pretty darn good. I liked to colors although the colors on the HS51 seemed more vibrant than the AE700. I immediately thought, this is a projector I'd be proud to have in my home. But after a while, I started to feel dissatisfied with the brightness. I noticed that during dark scenes, the projector just seemed very dim to me. They kept showing these people inside some ice cave of some sort and the image seemed to clamp the brightness down quite a bit. I never saw this on the HS51. Although, I don't think they showed any similar scenes on the HS51. So, perhaps the 51 would do this as well.

    Overall, I just felt that the 51 had more pop than the 700. The colors seemed better, the blacks deeper, the brightness... well brighter. This could have been a source material difference as well. But my money is on the 51 being th better unit... and well, it's a grand more right? So, big surprise.

    So, I am trying to decide what to buy around Christmas. To me the decision comes down to how much screen door affects you and how well these perform on dark scenes. I think they are both great units but my personal preference is with the 51 at this moment.

    So, I hope that helps some people get a better sense of what we saw. I took some pics as well, but haven't had a chance to look at them yet. If anything is worth posting, I'll alert you guys.





  2. #52
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 may, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: SH 50

    En Todosonyc ya esta disponible por 2803€ iva incluido <img src= ALT=":laleche">


  3. #53
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 sep, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Calculadora

    Hola,alguna calculadora de proyeccion para este aparato
    en proyector central no sale.
    Me interesa saber que ancho de pantalla me da a 4,50mt de
    distancia y que tal el zoon y el tema de VB se sabe algo de esto ya, se han realizado pruebas.
    Y por ultimo si tuvieseis que elegir.
    ¿ Pana700 o Sony SH50 ?



  4. #54
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Calculadora

    En la página 1 de este hilo puse un post (el 20 de agosto) en el que se dan las distancias de proyección.

    <img src= ALT=":apaleao">


  5. #55
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 sep, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Calculadora

    ¿Alguna noticia del proyector? ¿Alguien lo tiene ya?


  6. #56
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Calculadora

  7. #57
    Fecha de ingreso
    16 feb, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Calculadora

    Bueno chicos, pues aqui esta la primera Review profesional de la bestia.

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Review for Sony VPL-HS51 up on Widescreen Review Site
    Bill Cushman's review of the Sony VPL-HS51 has been posted in the subscriber only section of the Widescreen Review website. Maximum light output on-off CR with the lamp set on high, automatic iris on, and contrast set to maximum was 658 lumens and 5,834.1:1, respectively. The on-off CR and light output decreased somewhat when calibrated for optimal colour accuracy and gray scale tracking (~ 400 lumens and 4,000:1). The conclusion is that the projector is an outstanding value. It looks like Sony's on-off CR claim is pretty much verifiable which is remarkable. Way to go Sony and welcome back LCD. <hr></blockquote>

    Los numeros impresionan, una vez calibrado, Contraste 4.000:1 y 400 lumens.

    Me muero d eganas de verlo. <img src= ALT=":palomitas">



  8. #58
    Fecha de ingreso
    14 may, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Contraste

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Los numeros impresionan, una vez calibrado, Contraste 4.000:1 y 400 lumens<hr></blockquote>

    Es que con el iris dinamico esa medicion no vale para nada, si yo le meto a un preyector nec VT460 un iris dinamico capaz de obturar por completo el objetivo tendria un contraste INFINITO !!!!!
    A ver cuando alguien comenta el contraste real del cacharro.



  9. #59
    Fecha de ingreso
    16 feb, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Contraste

    Seguramente el IRIS ese es una mierda hacia la que todo el mundo va, SONY, MITSU, PANASONIC,etc...( y la gente que lo ha visto lo corrobora) y aqui en España que somos mas listos que todos vamos y nos lo pasamos por los te jo.......



  10. #60
    in high definition Avatar de Archibald Alexander Leach
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 ago, 03
    17 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Contraste

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Me muero d eganas de verlo. <img src= ALT=":palomitas"> <hr></blockquote>Yo también. <img src= ALT=":birra">

    A pesar de que algunos afirmen que es un engaño, si se ve bien y mejora el contraste en todo tipo de escenas, será todo un adelanto.

    <hr /><div style="text-align:center"><span style="color:blue;font-family:century gothic;font-size:xx-small;">Listen, the last man who said that to me was Archie Leach just the week before he cut his throat</span></div><hr /></p>

  11. #61
    Fecha de ingreso
    14 may, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Iris Dinamico

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Seguramente el IRIS ese es una mierda hacia la que todo el mundo va, SONY, MITSU, PANASONIC,etc...( y la gente que lo ha visto lo corrobora) y aqui en España que somos mas listos que todos vamos y nos lo pasamos por los te jo.......<hr></blockquote>

    Bueno, pero que sensibles estamos hoy. Yo no digo que el iris sea una mierda ni que no sirva ni que haya que quitarlo ni que sea una estafa ni nada, ¿que mensaje has leido tu? Lo que digo es que hace meses se esta hablando de un contraste que no es real, un full on off con un iris que podria cerrar tanto que no tiene nada que ver con los paneles ni con las verdaderas aptitudes del cacharro. Cuando alguien pueda medir el contraste ansi (checkboard) al fin nos enteraremos que pueden dar esos paneles de si, y si sony ha encontrado la piedra filosofal de los paneles lcd o simplemente es un lcd con iris mas.
    Si el iris funciona y mejora subjetivamente el contraste bienvenido.



  12. #62
    Fecha de ingreso
    16 feb, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    Perdón por el tono, algo susceptible si que estaba<img src= ALT=":picocerrado">

    Lo que quiero decir es que en la vida real, es decir, viendo pelis, si el proyector me hace un buen negro en las minas de Moria y luego me da mucha luz al salir eso es lo que yo busco, que las pelis se vean bien y sean creibles, y creo que es lo que los fabricantes estan buscando pues es muy dificil que proyectando luz un panel represente el negro, hay que ayudarle.<img src= ALT=":alloro">



  13. #63
    Fecha de ingreso
    10 oct, 02
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    Y pregunto yo , Nachin...
    si ese iris dinamico, se lo aplicamos a un DLP, q tasas de contraste podriamos obtener??? 10.000:1???
    A ver si l final el iris este va a ser todo un invento<img src= ALT=":)">
    Un saludo

    "No hay mal que cien años dure, ni cuerpo que lo aguante". Cantinflas.</p>

  14. #64
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    Yo estoy de acuerdo con nachin: hay mucha hipocresía con respecto a los contrastes, y no me refiero a la industria, sino a los aficionados en general. Se está considerando el iris dinámico como un artificio, una "trampa" que sólo sirve para maquillar la hoja de especificaciones, cuando en realidad podría servir realmente para mejorar la "experiencia de visionado" (en inglés queda mejor el término, lo siento).

    Se saca a colación el contraste on/off para poner por las nubes una tecnología, y luego el ANSI para tirar por los suelos el iris dinámico. Pero luego la tecnología que tiene intrínsecamente más contraste ANSI es desdeñada de forma automática.

    Si subjetivamente la mejor imagen la da un proyector CRT, que tiene muy buen contraste on/off y muy mal contraste ANSI, es precisamente porque el ojo humano no es muy sensible al contraste dentro de una misma escena. Por eso se puede actuar con el iris dinámico.

    Pongamos un ejemplo: en La comunidad del anillo, en las escenas luminosas (la llegada de Gandalf a la Comarca, p.ej.), el iris (vulgo diafragma) del proyector se abrirá al máximo, mientras que en las escenas oscuras (Moria), se cerrará.

    Otra impresion:

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Had a change to spend a couple of hours with a pre-production HS50 yesterday afternoon. He was connected to a sony dvp 999es palyer with components playing PAL progressive. The screen was a high contrast (short of grey) PROJECTA (similar to the da lites here in Europe).
    I had some time also to play with the menu which is different from my vpl-vw12ht one.
    The screen door is totaly absent. From a viewing distance of 4 meters and having a 110 inch diagonal screen the image was so smooth a film like that it remind me the one of an Infocus 7205 that one friend of mine has.
    Colors were perfect (mind that my 12ht is calibrated to D65 with SMART III and has a CC30R filter), and the pj was extremely silent (at low lamp mode).
    Now to the contrast issue, it is by no means 6000:1, BUT it is superrior to anything i have seen in sub 6000 eur. category including DLPs.
    Gray scale is smooth and accurate, and the blacks are at a matterhorn dlp level. Iris was at auto (combining nice light output and good blacks) but i thought is was a bit slow (but not distructing at all) when reacting to from the brightest image to the dimest (although i need more time to spend with the pj be sure about this).
    Build quality is no near my 12ht but it makes sense according to the price.
    Well, will i buy him??
    Yes, because for these amounr of money it the best pq i have seen and it can be better if calibrated properly (the options available are more than enough, i.e. Real color processing, Black level - high,low, Iris settings, color temps etc).
    Well, thats for now. I can answer any question (if i know the answer of course) but bear in mind the time difference (i leave in south Europe).


  15. #65
    Fecha de ingreso
    16 feb, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Y pregunto yo , Nachin...
    si ese iris dinamico, se lo aplicamos a un DLP, q tasas de contraste podriamos obtener??? 10.000:1???<hr></blockquote>

    Joseba que bien saber de ti, estaba preocupado

    Pues creo que el único que hay a este nivel de precios sera el nuevo HC900 de Mitsu y dicen ellos 4000:1

    Creo que un Panasonic tambien lo lleva pero ronda los 30.000 euros


    </p>Editado por: <A HREF=> nachin11</A> fecha: 20/10/04 10:58

  16. #66
    Fecha de ingreso
    01 feb, 03
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Pongamos un ejemplo: en La comunidad del anillo, en las escenas luminosas (la llegada de Gandalf a la Comarca, p.ej.), el iris (vulgo diafragma) del proyector se abrirá al máximo, mientras que en las escenas oscuras (Moria), se cerrará.<hr></blockquote>

    Grubert esto que comentas esta muy bonito sobre el papel pero en la practica a mi por lo menos no me gusta un pelo,te explico,todas las experiencias que he tenido con proyectores con control de iris han sido mierda <img src= ALT=":disfrazado2"> ,, cuando abro el iris a todo trapo me encuentro con que la imagen se me lava,pierdo profundidad de negros,que aunque por mucho sol que haya en la imagen que comentas hay un monton de detalles con negros cojonudos,cuando cierro el iris la imagen se me vuelve infumable,demasiado oscura para mi gusto por lo cual esta solucion se la pueden meter por el firtral <img src= ALT=":D">
    al menos para mi gusto.
    Estoy espeso y no se si me he explicado <img src= ALT=":hola">


    Computer Minator
    Amplificadores,Proyectores,Altavoces,Televisores de Plasma
    c Palermo nº1
    Madrid 28043
    jose arroba</p>

  17. #67
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    Visto en Grecia:

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>hello all
    i went today to the athens audio video show,and i saw the hs 50 for about 30 mins.
    first of all the room was very dark,and the chairs provided were at approx 1.5 to 2 times the screen width away from the projected image.
    it was roof-mounted,shooting at a fixed stewart firehawk with a gain of 1.35 and an aprox. size of 120in dia.
    dvd player was a sony 999 feeding via component to the hs50 a progresive pal signal(576p)
    the movie was hulk in pal.
    my impressions are:
    1.contrast: out of this world for an lcd and to my eyes as good as any hd2 dlp unit level:as above
    3.colours were excellent vivid,faces looked alive,eyes of the actors the same.
    4.brighteness:adequate for what we were watching,dont forget thought the 1.35gain.
    5.screen door:better than say an hs20 but more than say a ptae700.i had to go at less than 2 meters away to start noticing it.of no importance whatsoever i would say given the fact that nobody watches movies so close to the screen.
    6.noise:what noise ?inaudible operation way better than an hs20 or a ptae500.
    7.vertical banding:i m warning u that i m very very sensitive to vb(my best friend has a ptae500 and it is horrible in that sense)but thanks god there was none!i say again none.we were trying (3 of us)to find it but to no avail there was none. iris opening and closing:never bothered me,did not notice it.
    i have never purchased a sony product and i m in noway a sony fun BUT with that projector they blew me away.
    needles to say that i will buy that pj by next month.just for comparison i will mention that i also saw the benq8700+,the panny700,and the sim300 with a hd2+ and a price in greece 3.5 times that of the sony.
    the benq had rainbows flying all over the place and really bad colors
    the pt700 had vb in the same amount the 500 has
    the sim is an excellent piece of equipment with no flaws no rainbow,but at a forbidden price.
    and to close was there something that i did not like about the sony?image quality-wise i would not ask for nothing more even if it was costing 2times what it is,but to be fair i would like a longer throw lens,and in a sense a less digital like appearance of the projected image more towards the film like quality u get when u watch a movie with a dila jvc.

    btw.i m not an expert just a crazy fun that wants the pq of an hx1 the contrast of a 9in crt at a price of an infocus x1 <img src= ALT=":D"> <hr></blockquote>


  18. #68
    Neo está desconectado
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 jul, 04
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    Esperemos a ver si eso se confirma, tiene buena pinta.
    Espero impaciente la review de projectocentral.


  19. #69
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    Las críticas de projectorcentral son una mierda pinchada en un palo, yo me fío de Widescreen Review o de Cine4Home.

    Ah, otro comentario del amiguete griego:

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>anyway i also had the chance to see and talk to a very respected reviewer here in Greece (he is the only EISA member in Greece) and i asked of his opinion on the unit,his words were: "The Sony has created a new category with this product that is by noway comparable to the other 1280by720 lcd units.excellent pj with no flaws." when i asked if it was worth paying the extra money above the much cheaper pt ae700,his reaction was that Panasonic and all the other d4 panel projectors were caught with their pants down after the Sony release...hopefully the d5 panel will be much i said to him "should i buy it or what"and to my amazement he said: buy the Sony or the Yamaha 1100 if u can afford it,nothing else in between these 2!!!


  20. #70
    Neo está desconectado
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 jul, 04
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    He visitado las dos paginas que recomiendas, la verdad es que no entiendo nada de aleman, por lo que cone4home, aunque tiene muy buena pinta, no la visitare ya que no soy capaz de traducirla (no me deja coger el link para traducir con google).
    He leido la review de Widescreen y la verdad es que lo ponen muyy bien, alguna queja en referencia la cambio de resilucione de los paneles (el individuo aprecia dicho cambio en materiales HDTV), pero el nivel de negros parece excelente (Lolailo, parece que este si podra competir con los DLP's...), y con un minimo de calibracion colorimetria, etc. parece que voy a empezar a escribir la carta a los reyes...pero primero quiero verlo!! <img src= ALT=":martillo"> <img src= ALT=":martillo"> <img src= ALT=":martillo">
    Lolailo, sigue sin llegarte?, avisame que me cogo un avion y me planto en Madrid.


  21. #71
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Iris Dinamico

    Aquí están dando disponibilidades de una o dos semanas.


  22. #72
    Neo está desconectado
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 jul, 04
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Ese precio???

    Estoy soñando o son 2.325 €, incluye IVA???? <img src= ALT=":babas">
    Voy a Ginebra en Noviembre, puedo llevarmelo en el avion???


  23. #73
    Neo está desconectado
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 jul, 04
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Se puede?

    Grubert, me lo podria traer de Suiza en el avion?


  24. #74
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Se puede?

    Claro! Le pones una pegatina de tu empresa, lo metes en el trolley y a correr.

    <img src= ALT=":]:D">


  25. #75

    Predeterminado Re: Se puede?


    este emoticon <img src= ALT=":]:D"> va de coña o realmente lo puedes hacer. He oído tantas cosas sobre gente que han pillado trayéndose cosas de Andorra. <img src= ALT=":))">


    <hr /><div style="text-align:center">

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