Tripley, deberías saberla. Ha pasado a formar parte de tu colección muy recientemente .
Tripley, deberías saberla. Ha pasado a formar parte de tu colección muy recientemente .
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Q: "I'm your new quartermaster"
007: "You must be joking"
CLAUDIO: "Lady, as you are mine, I am yours"
EISENSTEIN: "I'm a boxer for the freedom of the cinematic expression" -"I'm a scientific dilettante with encyclopedic interests"
No, no es Hellraiser II, aunque no me extraña que te venga a la cabeza dado lo telúrico de los vientos y la fuerza expresiva de los metales. ¿Qué otro compositor, también dado a la densidad orquestal, es también virtuoso a la hora de acongojar al oyente?
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Pues no, no es Hellraiser II. Ya sé que score es, gracias a la pista personalizada porque es verdad que es un trabajo que no tengo muy escuchado y no lo había identificado.
Mejor mantengo silencio esta vez. La pista de Branagh/Doyle y se rastrea un poco el hilo de bandas sonoras, es muy esclarecedora (hay hasta foto)
Q: "I'm your new quartermaster"
007: "You must be joking"
CLAUDIO: "Lady, as you are mine, I am yours"
EISENSTEIN: "I'm a boxer for the freedom of the cinematic expression" -"I'm a scientific dilettante with encyclopedic interests"
Última edición por Tripley; 07/11/2016 a las 00:37
Q: "I'm your new quartermaster"
007: "You must be joking"
CLAUDIO: "Lady, as you are mine, I am yours"
EISENSTEIN: "I'm a boxer for the freedom of the cinematic expression" -"I'm a scientific dilettante with encyclopedic interests"
Haces bien en mantener silencio, pero quería que lo supieses porque fuiste tú el que me dio la idea.
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Pista visual
Me agrada ver que sirvo para dar ideas para el juego
Q: "I'm your new quartermaster"
007: "You must be joking"
CLAUDIO: "Lady, as you are mine, I am yours"
EISENSTEIN: "I'm a boxer for the freedom of the cinematic expression" -"I'm a scientific dilettante with encyclopedic interests"
"There is an inmense joy when you suddenly discover beauty in something that has been around you for ages".
"Waving the flag with one hand and picking pockets with the other: that's your patriotism. Well, you can have it." Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious.
"Listen to them... Children of the night! What music they make..!"
Y Jane, ¿por la pista de la foto y los comentarios no te viene a la cabeza cual puede ser la película?
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
"There is an inmense joy when you suddenly discover beauty in something that has been around you for ages".
"Waving the flag with one hand and picking pockets with the other: that's your patriotism. Well, you can have it." Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious.
"Listen to them... Children of the night! What music they make..!"
¿Nadie? Compositor y director trabajaron juntos en un par de ocasiones, siendo esta una de ellas...
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
"¿Qué importa como me llame? Se nos conoce por nuestros actos."
Diría que Derek ha dado en el clavo, pero me adelanto al profe, que te va a preguntar de quién es
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Howard Shore .
La verdad es que la música me recordaba a la película, pero la pista de que Tripley se la había comprado recientemente me ha despistado por completo. No visito mucho el hilo de Bandas sonoras, y en sus últimas fotos no he encontrado la de Seven. Sólo he visto muchos Alberto Iglesias (pedazo de edición ), algún Danny Elfman, ... Luego la imagen de DHL era evidente , pero de nuevo la pista de que director y compositor habían trabajado juntos en un par de ocasiones me despistó (me la tomé literal , cuando han trabajado tres veces).
PD: Hace mucho que no la veo... .
"¿Qué importa como me llame? Se nos conoce por nuestros actos."
Nueva propuesta:
"¿Qué importa como me llame? Se nos conoce por nuestros actos."
Estoy repasando la trilogía de Matrix en preparación de un mini estudio en el que explico por qué considero que la música de la trilogía es uno de los mejores y más innovadores trabajos de las últimas décadas (ea, lapidadme), que traslada patrones de ejecución y planteamientos musicales más propios de la música culta postmodernista (y lo hace con éxito), a la narrativa cinematográfica.
Queda patente la basta formación y nivel cultura de su autor, Don Davis; prestigioso orquestador (Randy Newman ,por ejemplo) y director de orquesta que no se ha prodigado demasiado en el mundo de la composición cinematográfica, debido a las limitaciones etistlisticas y restricciones temporales de la industria. (de hecho lleva retirado de desde 2004), habiendo escrito 2 sinfonías y 3 óperas (entre las que destaca la lorquiana bodas de sangre) desde entonces.
Cómo orquestador permanece activo.
Todo este rollo para deciros que, repasando las pistas de las ediciones oficiales expandidas, no puedo menos que sonreír:
Chateau Swashbuckling* (alternate) (3:49)
The Smith Within Us*
Niobe's Run/The Breach*/Boom Hilda* 6:52
Die Brunett Walkure* /Mjolnir Mastication* /Charra Broiled* 4:46
Woman Can Drive/Moribund Mifune
Deus Ex Machina
Neodammerung 6:00
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Respecto a quién hizo qué, la cosa quedaría más o menos así:
Music produced, composed, arranged, orchestrated and conducted by Don Davis.
Additional electronic music by Juno Reactor & Rob Dougan (Reloaded & Revolutions)
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Pistas: Director y compositor han trabajado juntos más de una docena de veces. Dicho compositor nunca ha estado nominado al Oscar, aunque sí estuvo nominado una vez para un Globo de Oro. Dos de los actores protagonistas de la cinta han tenido mucha mejor suerte con ambos premios.
"¿Qué importa como me llame? Se nos conoce por nuestros actos."
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Me encanta cómo MIK ha agradecido el post pero no ha dicho nada: cómo diga lo que pienso de la música de Matrix B/D va a perderme el respeto.
No te preocupes, sé que aquí estoy más o menos sólo.
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Pero escuchad el trabajo de las cuerdas y el viento metal, por el amor de Dios. Es glorioso.
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Si, cómo os he mostrado más arriba, los nombres de las pistas de Reloaded y Revolutions son referencias culturales, musicales y lietararias que tienen relación con el argumento, los de la edición deluxe de la primera entrega son anagramas en su mayor parte.
Ejemplo: Exit, Mr Hat= The Matrix
Maravilloso todo.
Última edición por Branagh/Doyle; 08/11/2016 a las 19:34
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.
Lo siento, estos días entre el trabajo y el persistente resfriado apenas participo lo que quisiera.
Pues no sé si te sorprenderá, pero tengo pendientes las bandas sonoras de Reloaded y Revolutions, para cuando la primera vuelva a estar en stock en La-La Land (por ahora, sólo dispongo de la edición de Varese de Matrix que adquirí para cuando la edición expandida ya estaba descatalogada), debido en buena parte a tus elogios varios posts atrás.
Te agradezco de antemano el esfuerzo, seguro que será una apasionante lectura (aunque a mi bolsillo no le hará tanta gracia...)
PD: Veo que Giacchino no es el único con sentido del humor a la hora de nombrar sus temas.
Por cierto, muy triste el motivo de su desaparición cinematográfica, más aún siendo un compositor que se manejaba bien entre la música orquestal y la electrónica.
"And at the instant he knew, he ceased to know"
Cómo su propio nombre indica, un poco de Korngold por aquí:
"There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”
John Ottman.