5. El hombre invisible (Claude Rains).
6.- Flubber
Última edición por leoky; 10/10/2011 a las 20:56
6 películas que hagan referencia a otras películas ya sea de forma cómica o no.
1.- Scary Movie
2- Spanish Movie
3- Hot Shots
IMAGEN ...............LG OLED 65E6V UHD 4K (3D Pasivo)
VIDEO..................Oppo UDP-203 ; Panasonic DP-UB820EGK ;
Apple TV 4K ; PS5
AUDIO..................Altavoces Cambridge Audio Minx S215 7.1
RECEPTOR AV......Pioneer VSX-930-K
Vaya Correasremy, te me has adelantado!!!
4. Agarrado como puedas.
PANTALLA__________LG OLED 55’
Soy el Teniente Aldo Raine, y vosotros sois mis Bastardos!!!
5 - Superhero movie
TV LG OLED 77" G36LA, Reproductor Panasonic DP-UB824EGK, Amplificador Denon 1911, Altavoces Bosé Acousticmass 10
6. Los Goonies (en clara referencia a Superman y a los Gremlins)
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
Mi blog: www.criticodecine.es
Bueno ahí va: no sé si está repetida. 6 películas en los que el protagonista interprete dos o más papeles.
1. Superman III (en éste caso son 3 )
Edito y pongo "Regreso al Futuro parte II"
Última edición por jack napier; 12/10/2011 a las 00:37
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
Yo ahí tengo mis dudas: Clark Kent y Superman son la misma persona. El Superman malo en teoría es Superman, afectado por la Kryptonita "artificial", aunque luego se vea que se desdobla en Kent, pero desaparece sin más. En definitiva, es el mismo personaje en tres facetas distintas (igual que si alguien interpreta al Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde).
I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)
Es cierto que es un poco ambiguo pero a efectos de los personajes en teoria nadie sabe que Clark kent es Superman, luego a efectos lógicos serian dos personas complétamente diferentes pero llevas razón que es muy interpretable.Como bien dices el Superman "malo" es superman pero alterado psíquicamente. No deja de ser ambiguo el tema.
Si me la dais por válido estupendo si no, no hay problema en decir otra
Última edición por jack napier; 12/10/2011 a las 00:34
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
2 - Adaptation (El ladrón de orquídeas) ---------------- Nicolas Cage
TV LG OLED 77" G36LA, Reproductor Panasonic DP-UB824EGK, Amplificador Denon 1911, Altavoces Bosé Acousticmass 10
3. Cualquiera de Austin powers. Vale???
El mismo actor que hace varios personajes!!! O es el mismo personaje que hace varios papeles??
Si es ese caso:
3. Psicosis
PANTALLA__________LG OLED 55’
Soy el Teniente Aldo Raine, y vosotros sois mis Bastardos!!!
4- El profesor chiflado.
Eddie Murphy
IMAGEN ...............LG OLED 65E6V UHD 4K (3D Pasivo)
VIDEO..................Oppo UDP-203 ; Panasonic DP-UB820EGK ;
Apple TV 4K ; PS5
AUDIO..................Altavoces Cambridge Audio Minx S215 7.1
RECEPTOR AV......Pioneer VSX-930-K
Habia editado antes por si no valia "Superman III" pero lo pongo de nuevo .
5. Regreso al Futuro 2
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
6. El príncipe de Zamunda. Aquí son Eddie Murphy y Arsenio Hall los que se desdoblan, ¿vale esta?
Bueno Perandales, te toca!!!!!!!
PANTALLA__________LG OLED 55’
Soy el Teniente Aldo Raine, y vosotros sois mis Bastardos!!!
Mi blog: www.criticodecine.es
6 películas en las que el protagonista se quede colgado en la fachada de un edificio
1 - El hombre mosca (1928)
2. Batman (1989)
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
Si me equivoco corregidme, pero recuerdo algo así en...
3. "El día de la bestia"
"El único modo de ser feliz es amando. Si no sabes amar, tu vida pasará como un destello" - The Tree of Life
4. "Regreso al futuro"
I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)