I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)
Buff qué nivel habeis puesto para acabar el año. Yo de momento pido tiempo muerto
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
¡Ay, Marty, que me pones de los nervios!
Vamos a ver, London After Midnight, dirigida por Tod Browning para la Metro en 1928, se tituló en España La casa del horror. En el año 1935, el propio Browning llevó a cabo un remake mimético, pero ahora con el icono lugosiano, y cambiando Londres por Budapest. Sólo hay dos películas que adaptaron el relato original del propio realizador. Al yo citar el original, el remake no vale.
Con respecto a Échenme al vampiro, la verdad es que, si mal no recuerdo, se trata de un vampiro de guardarropía desde el momento que sale, dispuesto a asustar, y no un vampiro que, a la postre, se revela como un ser normal. Pero dada la difucultad, no sé, lo daría por bueno. Es que si no, Marty va a pensar que la estoy tomando con él, y estamos en Navidad...
Qué va, hombre, ya sabes que hay aprecio mutuo
Por mí, si no la ves como válida, no hay problema en que sigamos buscando la 3.
I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)
Vamos a darle vidilla a esto, que no tira
3 (o 4). "Sombras trágicas, ¿vampiros?" ("The Vampire Bat")
Esta última es clarísima. Un notable ejemplo de lo llamado horrible imposible, acuñado por Browning. Aunque después sí que haya fantasía en la trama, vía los experimentos macabros de Lionel Atwill.
Voy a dar alguna pistilla. En el cine español hay dos claros ejemplos: uno en los sesenta y otro vía parodia...
Faltan dos.
¿Malenka ?aunque admito que no la he visto .
Valdría "Los Guardianes del Día"
PANTALLA__________LG OLED 55’
Soy el Teniente Aldo Raine, y vosotros sois mis Bastardos!!!
A ver si es esta:
4. (ó 5.) Un vampiro para dos
I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)
Si no recuerdo mal, en "Aquí huele a muerto" de Martes y 13 había falsos monstruos, entre ellos un vampiro.
I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)
Me ha venido a la mente una película de Parchis con Luis Escobar haciendo de vampiro pero no recuerdo el nombre...
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
TV LG OLED 77" G36LA, Reproductor Panasonic DP-UB824EGK, Amplificador Denon 1911, Altavoces Bosé Acousticmass 10
Esa pelicula la ví en mi infancia y no la he vuelto a ver, sólo recuerdo alguna imagen pero la trama ni muchísimo menos.
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
Venga, cierro yo mismo:
y 6. "Transylvania 6-5000"
con Geena Davis como la al final no-vampiresa.