Formato de imagen:2.35:1
Formato de sonido:5.1 English, 5.1 French, 5.1 Spanish
Subtítulos:English, French, Spanish
País:Estados Unidos
Tipo de estuche: Digipack
Contenidos adicionales: * 11 deleted scenes
* 4 Swoff's fantasy scenes
* Full news interviews
* Featurette: "Jarhead Diaries"
* Documentary: "Semper Fi"
* Featurette: "Background"
* Disc one features two audio commentary tracks, the first is with director Sam Mendes and editor Walter Murch. The second features screenwriter William Broyles, Jr. and the real Anthony Swofford.
Dónde comprarla: Actualmente agotada, solo disponible en tiendas de segunda mano