La nota de prensa OFICIAL DEL RODAJE.
Podemos ver las nuevas incorporaciones en el equipo técnico y algunas ausencias respecto a ESDLA. Pero todo se mantiene en la misma línea. FANTÁSTICO.
La nota de prensa OFICIAL DEL RODAJE.
Podemos ver las nuevas incorporaciones en el equipo técnico y algunas ausencias respecto a ESDLA. Pero todo se mantiene en la misma línea. FANTÁSTICO.
Última edición por PeterJackson; 21/03/2011 a las 00:28
Esto marcha... gracias por la informacion
Cada vez me sorprende más lo delgado que se ha quedado este hombre...
"Una mentira solo es una historia sensacional que alguien ha echado a perder diciendo la verdad"
Barney Stinson
"Si alguna vez me meten en la cárcel por descargar música ilegalmente. Solo pido que una cosa: Que nos separen por géneros musicales"
Si, es alucinante, el el post anterior, solo hay que mirar la foto y el avatar de PerterJackson.
Peter nos haces un resumen de la gente que sale?. Ngila Dickson en vestuario sé que ya no esta
Esta noche actualizaré el blog con el équipo técnico.
Y de momento os dejo con este interesante recorte de prensa via onering:
Los Medios se hacen Eco del Rodaje de "The Hobbit"
Última edición por PeterJackson; 23/03/2011 a las 16:20
Por cierto, he añadido una opción de suscribrirse al blog mediante e-mail, cada vez que se actualice os llegarán las novedades a vuestro mail!
Se ha quitado 15 años de encima. Claro que sí, ya no solo es el aspecto físico, es la salud.
PRIMERAS FOTOS ROBADAS DEL SET DE RODAJE!!! y a través del espía "Master Titi" nos llegan las primeras fotos robadas del set de "The Hobbit"
Podemos ver a Andy Serkis con lo que parece un traje de motion capture y a varios actores.
Noticias : Elfas secretamente enamoradas :
Más fotos robadas del set de rodaje...
O podría ser cualquier otro hobbit
And now I know the only compass that I need is the one leads back to you...
Ian Mackellen dice que Bilbo ha empezado a grabar, el no, así que doy por hecho que es Bilbo
Esa suposición me parece demasiado aventurada... ¿acaso Bilbo es el único hobbit que aparecerá en la película?
De ahí precisamente venía mi pregunta: yo aún no lo he leído
Time for an update. Actually, we've been intending to kick off with a video, which is almost done, so look out for that in the next day or two. In the meantime, I thought I'd address the news that has been reported about us shooting THE HOBBIT at 48 frames per second, and explain to you what my thoughts are about this.
We are indeed shooting at the higher frame rate. The key thing to understand is that this process requires both shooting and projecting at 48 fps, rather than the usual 24 fps (films have been shot at 24 frames per second since the late 1920's). So the result looks like normal speed, but the image has hugely enhanced clarity and smoothness. Looking at 24 frames every second may seem ok--and we've all seen thousands of films like this over the last 90 years--but there is often quite a lot of blur in each frame, during fast movements, and if the camera is moving around quickly, the image can judder or "strobe."
Shooting and projecting at 48 fps does a lot to get rid of these issues. It looks much more lifelike, and it is much easier to watch, especially in 3-D. We've been watching HOBBIT tests and dailies at 48 fps now for several months, and we often sit through two hours worth of footage without getting any eye strain from the 3-D. It looks great, and we've actually become used to it now, to the point that other film experiences look a little primitive. I saw a new movie in the cinema on Sunday and I kept getting distracted by the juddery panning and blurring. We're getting spoilt!
Originally, 24 fps was chosen based on the technical requirements of the early sound era. I suspect it was the minimum speed required to get some audio fidelity out of the first optical sound tracks. They would have settled on the minimum speed because of the cost of the film stock. 35mm film is expensive, and the cost per foot (to buy the negative stock, develop it and print it), has been a fairly significant part of any film budget.
So we have lived with 24 fps for 9 decades--not because it's the best film speed (it's not by any stretch), but because it was the cheapest speed to achieve basic acceptable results back in 1927 or whenever it was adopted.
None of this thinking is new. Doug Trumbull developed and promoted a 60 frames per second process called ShowScan about 30 years ago and that looked great. Unfortunately it was never adopted past theme park use. I imagine the sheer expense of burning through expensive film stock at the higher speed (you are charged per foot of film, which is about 18 frames), and the projection difficulties in cinemas, made it tough to use for "normal" films, despite looking amazing. Actually, if anybody has been on the Star Tours ride at Disneyland, you've experienced the life like quality of 60 frames per second. Our new King Kong attraction at Universal Studios also uses 60 fps.
Now that the world's cinemas are moving towards digital projection, and many films are being shot with digital cameras, increasing the frame rate becomes much easier. Most of the new digital projectors are capable of projecting at 48 fps, with only the digital servers needing some firmware upgrades. We tested both 48 fps and 60 fps. The difference between those speeds is almost impossible to detect, but the increase in quality over 24 fps is significant.
Film purists will criticize the lack of blur and strobing artifacts, but all of our crew--many of whom are film purists--are now converts. You get used to this new look very quickly and it becomes a much more lifelike and comfortable viewing experience. It's similar to the moment when vinyl records were supplanted by digital CDs. There's no doubt in my mind that we're heading towards movies being shot and projected at higher frame rates.
Warner Bros. have been very supportive, and allowed us to start shooting THE HOBBIT at 48 fps, despite there never having been a wide release feature film filmed at this higher frame rate. We are hopeful that there will be enough theaters capable of projecting 48 fps by the time The Hobbit comes out where we can seriously explore that possibility with Warner Bros. However, while it's predicted that there may be over 10,000 screens capable of projecting THE HOBBIT at 48 fps by our release date in Dec, 2012, we don’t yet know what the reality will be. It is a situation we will all be monitoring carefully. I see it as a way of future-proofing THE HOBBIT. Take it from me--if we do release in 48 fps, those are the cinemas you should watch the movie in. It will look terrific!
Time to jump in the car and drive to Bag End for the day. Video coming soon!
Última edición por PeterJackson; 12/04/2011 a las 11:35
He leído comentarios sobre que será dificil recuperar la magia de la trilogía.
Joder, yo creo que ya la han recuperado con este dichoso vídeo de 10 minutos
And now I know the only compass that I need is the one leads back to you...
Joder, joder, joder con el vídeo, la edición con la música de la trilogía original me ha emocionado un poco Se puede ver a Richard Taylor, Alan Lee y John Howe. Tremendo ver los decorados, réplicas de los utilizados entre 1999 y 2000.
Quiero todo eso en los extras del BD!!
Fantastico, yo ya, no es que este reservando las entradas en el cine, es que quiero un edicion extendida yaaaaa!!!!