Dollhouse is a FOX series created by Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Firefly) and starring and produced by Eliza Dushku. The concept is change; it follows a top-secret world of people programmed with different personalities, abilities and memories depending on their mission.
The show centers on Echo, as she slowly begins to develop some self-awareness, which impacts her missions. Echo is a young woman who is literally everybody's fantasy. She is one of a group of men and women who can be imprinted with personality packages, including memories, skills, language—even muscle memory—for different assignments. The assignments can be romantic, adventurous, outlandish, uplifting, sexual and/or very illegal. When not imprinted with a personality package, Echo and the others are basically mind-wiped, living like children in a futuristic dorm/lab dubbed the Dollhouse, with no memory of their assignments—or of much else. The show revolves around the childlike Echo's burgeoning self-awareness, and her desire to know who she was before, a desire that begins to seep into her various imprinted personalities and puts her in danger both in the field and in the closely monitored confines of the Dollhouse.
La idea es para emitir en otoño 2008, aunque todo depende, claro, de la huelga de guionistas, a la que Joss apoya fervientemente. Salvo milagro, de momento Dollhouse para.