Compro el Steelbook de Cazafantasmas precintado.
Si alguien lo tiene, que me mande MP o que escriba por aquí.
Compro el Steelbook de Cazafantasmas precintado.
Si alguien lo tiene, que me mande MP o que escriba por aquí.
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
Steel conseguido gracias al enorme favor que me ha hecho el compañero Manosho adquiriéndolo mediante Amazon.
Muchas gracias, compañero
Se puede cerrar el hilo.
"The people who criticized lack of focus on Batman were missing the point of the character of Batman. This guy wants to remain as hidden as possible, and in the shadows as possible, and unrevealing about himself as possible, so all of those things - you know, he’s not gonna eat up screen time by these big speeches and doing dancing around the Batcave"
Tim Burton
Menudas 24 horas nos hemos pegado a lo Jack Bauer Excelentísimo compañero jack napier, ha sido un placer tratar contigo. Saludos.