<blockquote>Quote:<hr>Ejem... Bueno, me gustaría saber si la edición de la "La invasión de los ultracuerpos", de 1978, es anamórfica o no. Gracias.<hr></blockquote>
A parte de no ser anamorfica como ya comentaba unos post más arriba, la calidad del transfer tampoco es una maravilla.
<blockquote>Quote:<hr>Look & Listen:
Invasion of the Body Snatchers is presented in both a 1.85:1 widescreen (no anamorphic enhancement) and a pan&scan 1.33:1 alternate version. Originally filmed in Technicolor, the print shows its age. There is an excessive amount of unpleasant dirt and scratches on the source material, but there are also visible problems directly related with the transfer. First, there are obvious compression problems, causing the image to look a little bit rougher for brief periods of time. Edges are not handled well either, and they seem to blend in a very odd way. In some scenes there are objects (window frames, tables, etc.) in which the edges seem to be flickering. The film also has some of the problems many films from the 1970s have – colors are a little soft and the image doesn't look as sharp as it could be. Considering the fact that the film takes place mostly at night, blacks are not strong enough; they look a little bit grayish and are not consistent from one scene to the next. Interestingly, some of these problems contribute to the documentary-like realism that the film is trying to accomplish. Still, this transfer is a notch above previous home video incarnations, and the widescreen version does restore the film’s original aspect ratio. The pan&scan version shares some of the same problems and virtues of the widescreen, but needless to say, it destroys some of Kaufman's ingenious visual compositions. This cropping really damages the overall impact of the film.<hr></blockquote>
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