Hay lío y polémica servida con la reedición del mismo programa de hace tantos años de las Hermanas de Herrmann/De Palma (parece ser que las master tapes no han sobrevivido) y entran en colisión los antiguos editores con los nuevos (y es raro porque Music Box siempre ha trabajado bien).
Todo empieza con esto:
Y prosigue aquí por si queréis conocer al detalle los puntos de vista: https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/p...8303&archive=0
Well, for one, J. Steven Lasher owns Fifth Continent Music Classics. Also, for those unfamiliar with the name, you might know him better as John Lasher; he produced numerous albums including new recordings of THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES, KING KONG, CITIZEN KANE, THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS, etc. He worked closely with Herrmann during the twilight of his career AND was the producer of the 1974 release of SISTERS.]
Sounds weird that Music Box, a highly respected label with no history of doing such things, would release something they didn't have the rights for. Hopefully, they will respond to this.
Ummm... I'm pretty sure there was an issue with their Orca release, which was pulled only days after it was officially released and has never seen the light of day since.
Wait, hold up. John said he was the "exclusive copyright holder". Now he withdraws the statement saying Music Box negotiated a license with the copyright holder? Isn't he the exclusive copyright holder? I guess he isn't. LOL! What a mess.
They have a deal with (Edward R.) Pressman who own the copyright.
Music Box AND Ed Pressman probably sent him a nice letter, but he already defamed both and I think they should do something about it. As I was reading the first few posts on this thread, I said to myself, "Myself, how long until Lasher pipes up and claims he owns it?" Three posts later, there he was.
He'd friended me at some point on Facebook and sent me a few nice notes, especially when we released Alfred the Great. But then something changed and he began coming to my personal page and making really obnoxious and personal posts about me in threads that had nothing to do with film music or him or anything, really. They were for my friends and the people who follow me. I finally told him if he didn't block me immediately, I would go to Facebook about his harassment and then I'd block HIM. I gave him thirty minutes. He blocked me. Clever lad. So many people who read his comments before I deleted them wrote me and asked who this twit was making such vile comments? I told them. I think they had some fun taking him on smile
Glad Music Box is doing this and more glad that they and Pressman called out this aging punk for his defamation and lies.
Going by the sound samples on their website, it's still pretty awful.
That's because they're using Lasher's CD to start with. Mastering can't change the mix or even the basic sound - it can only smooth out levels, bring out the high, mid, and low end to a minimal extent.
Lo cierto es que han tardado muchos años en sacar una reedición. Eso podría significar algo. Y aunque una regrabación sería muy bienvenida me temo que cada vez está la cosa más peliaguda, además de que recrear las partes más crispadas de la partitura con el uso del sintetizador Moog tan de moda por entonces, siendo posible hacerlo igual que pasaría con el blaster beam, se antoja una labor algo más complicada que los Herrmann que regrabó Quartet Records.
Mal no me parece que suene aunque sin nuevos elementos descubiertos sobre los que trabajar hasta un Mattessino o un Chris Malone tendría sus limitaciones. De hecho, suena mucho mejor que el "It's Alive" que sacó FSM, otro caso parecido si bien editado por lo menos hace sus doce años ya con todo lo que la tecnología ha avanzado. Y aun así de la pirita de hierro no se puede sacar oro. Sólo sé que ya era hora de una nueva edición, que no será perfecta pero que sería mejor que no tener nada.
A ver en qué queda la cosa y si alguien está sobreactuando.