Pues eso, los cracks de highdefdigest.com han publicado un interesante artículo sobre la verdadera importancia del HDMI 1.3. No es que cuente cosas nuevas, pero clarifica bastante y es serio y didáctico.
Me quedo con este último párrafo:
If you were buying a new HDTV or A/V receiver right now and wanted to feel thoroughly future-proofed, it certainly couldn't hurt to make sure that they're HDMI 1.3 compliant, but there's no reason to feel nervous or cheated if they aren't. At the present time, for all practical applications, any version of HDMI is perfectly capable of transmitting the best that Blu-ray or HD DVD offers just as well as any other. Unfortunately, HDMI 1.3 is more hype than substance.
hype, hype, hype
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